Detaillierter Kursinhalt
Module 1: SAN Fundamentals Review
Module Duration: 01:00
Module Objectives:
- Discuss SAN architecture
Module Topics:
- ONTAP SAN Fundamentals Review:
- SAN terms (host, node, port, protocols)
- ONTAP terms (SVM, aggr, volume, LUN, and LIF)
- SAN scalability and maximums
- SAN Config Guide
- TR-4080
- Node count
- Max SVMs, Volumes, LUNs, LIFs/port
- Learning Activity: Discover and inventory SAN environment (new)
- Knowledge check
- Module Summary
Module 2: Resource Provisioning
Module Duration: 01:00
Exercise Duration: 01:00
Module Objectives:
- Describe SAN configurations
- Explain LUN provisioning
Module Topics:
- Prescribed SAN Configurations
- AFF SAN Optimized Configurations
- Application Aware Data Management (Appams)
- LUN Provisioning
- LUN Types (thin vs thick)
- Volume options (snapshot autodelete, vol autosize, method)
- Space Reservation and guarantee
- Strategies to keep LUNs online
- Provisioning LUNs from CLI
- Provisioning LUNs from System Manager
- Learning Activity: Create thin and thick provisioned LUNs
- Learning Activity: Create a non-space reserved LUN, Fill it up and force it to go offline, recover it KB 10103315
- Learning Activity: Create a space reserved LUN and fill it up, observe sizes.
- Knowledge check
- Module Summary
Module 3: ONTAP SVM Administration
Module Duration: 01:00
Exercise Duration: 01:00
Module Objectives:
- Discuss SAN recommended guidelines
- Describe ONTAP block protocol features in ONTAP
Module Topics:
- SAN connectivity
- Block protocol features
- SVM management
- Learning Activity: Create and map LUNs and Namespaces
- Knowledge check
- Module Summary
- NVMe setup and configuration
- Learning Activity: Create an NVMe SVM and Namespace?
- Knowledge check
- Module Summary
Module 4: ONTAP Availability and Data Protection
Module Duration: 01:00
Exercise Duration: 01:00
Module Objectives:
- Discuss ONTAP availability strategies
- Describe data protection for LUNs
Module Topics:
- HA and host multipathing
- failover
- Direct and indirect I/O
- Data Protection
- consistency
- snapshots
- consistency groups
- clones
- Fast Failover
- Learning Activity: Display LUN paths, set up SnapMirror relationship?
- SnapCenter
- Knowledge check
- Module Summary
Module 5: Managing ONTAP SAN Environments
Module Duration: 01:00
Exercise Duration: 01:00
Module Objectives:
- Discuss SAN-specific manageability features
- Describe SAN performance considerations
- Explain Volume and LUN sizing
Module Topics:
- LUN Mobility (vol move, LUN move, LUN copy, SLM)
- Copy Offload
- Performance (QOS, balanced placement, performance capacity)
- Learning Activity: Perform a LUN move
- Learning Activity: Resize a LUN
- LUN copy/promotion
- OnDemand engine
- Knowledge check
- Module Summary
Appendix A: SAN Migration Using Foreign LUN Import (FLI)
Module Duration: 01:00
Exercise Duration: 01:00
Module Objectives:
- Describe Foreign LUN Import
- Explain FLI use cases
Module Topics:
- Foreign LUN Import overview
- FLI use cases
- <Learning Activity: description>
- Knowledge check
- Module Summary