ONTAP MetroCluster IP Implementation (MCCIPIW) – Outline

Detailed Course Outline

Module 1: MetroCluster IP Overview

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to MetroCluster Software
  • Lesson 2: Introduction to MetroCluster IP Configuration
  • Lesson 3: MetroCluster IP Supported Configurations
  • Lesson 4: MetroCluster Configuration Tools and Documentation

Module 2: MetroCluster IP Rack and Cabling

  • Lesson 1: Risk and Disk Layout
  • Lesson 2: MetroCluster IP Cabling Overview
  • Lesson 3: Switch Cabling Overview
  • Lesson 4: Shelf Cabling

Module 3: Switch Configuration

  • Lesson 1: Switch Configuration
  • Lesson 2: Installing and Updating Switches

Module 4: Preparing the Clusters

  • Lesson 1: Node Preparation
  • Lesson 2: Local Disk Assignment
  • Lesson 3: Node and Cluster Setup

Module 5: MetroCluster Configuration

  • Lesson 1: Cluster Preparation
  • Lesson 2: Remote Disk Assignments
  • Lesson 3: MetroCluster Configuration
  • Lesson 4: MetroCluster Verification
  • Lesson 5: MetroCluster Monitoring
  • Lesson 6: SVM Configuration in a MetroCluster Environment

Module 6: Failure Scenarios

  • Lesson 1: Switchover
  • Lesson 2: Switchback
  • Lesson 3: Failure Scenarios
  • Lesson 4: LIF Placement

Module 7: MetroCluster TieBreaker Manager Configuration

  • Lesson 1: TieBreaker Introduction
  • Lesson 2: TieBreaker Installation
  • Lesson 3: TieBreaker Configuration